Nu Wellness How I Walked Myself Into A Better Me! How Walking 10,000 steps a Day Improved My Health! We all know the benefits of walking everyday! We've heard it a million times! But It's...
Nu Wellness Dangers of Blue Light Have you ever heard of Blue light and the dangers of blue light? Blue light can shine from both natural and man-made sources, many of...
Nu Wellness EFT Tapping for Stress Relief and Manifestation Have you ever heard of Emotional Freedom Technique? The Emotional Freedom Technique known as EFT has widely been used to manage tension...
Nu Wellness Healing through Breathing"Breath, the power of life- Our lifeforce". Take a deep breath inn and exhale it out. Breathing is the only activity we participate in...
Nu Wellness This Year's Must've Immunity Boosters! It's had to believe that we are approaching the last two months of the year. 2020 has brought so many mixed emotions. There have been...
Nu Wellness The Super Powers of the Sun Heal naturally by using this amazing free resource... the SUN. Sun gazing also known as sun eating is seen as a way to heal and restore...
Nu Wellness Healing Through Sound What is it about music that overtakes our emotions? The smooth sounds of Sade on a Friday evening, evokes relaxation and offers me a...
Nu Wellness The Sanity of a Sacred Spacesan·i·ty /ˈsanədē/ noun the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health. How important is your...